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Frequently Asked Questions

I can transfer payment to you the very same day you agree to sell your car or bike. Yes, it really is that fast! I pride my service on buying fast – and that includes getting you your money fast too. I use a trusted, and secure, payment system called OSKO to transfer your funds. It’s so quick you could get the money from your car sale in less than a minute. It’s hosted by all major banks, and these days, most of the smaller banks too. That means you don’t need to wait around for days to get the money from your car sale. Best of all, there’s no more waiting for private buyers having to organise finance. So, if you’re looking to sell your car online, and get your money fast, talk to me.

In most cases a time can be arranged flexible to your needs, but most importantly, I’ll make sure the funds are in your account before I do. As soon as you agree to sell, you can rest assured I’ll get the ball rolling to arrange the collection without delay. I’ll come to you, wherever you are, at no extra cost. 


I’ll listen and endeavour to buy all makes and models around South Australia. Unlike the larger dealerships, I’ll value each and every car from each and every person who enquires with me. I don’t preference certain makes and models and I take care and detail with all my valuations.


My operation is mobile and available to almost all regions of South Australia, and that makes me one of the most convenient and accessible options for selling your car or bike. However, if you would prefer to bring your vehicle to me, my warehouse is conveniently located within 3 kilometres of the CBD.

As a licensed motor dealer and a professional of the automotive industry, I take care of it all for you, at no extra cost. Being registered with Service SA as a Dealer Delegate I can take the car out of your name once you’ve got your money, and then make sure it moves across to the new owners’ name too.

Selling your car with me is smooth, transparent and enjoyable. I’ll always be honest with you and never hide any details along the way. 

Need the vehicle for certain obligations still? Don’t worry. I know you can need your car for getting to work, outstanding errands and school runs. That’s why I can offer a flexible collection service or an arranged date of transaction when you sell your car with me.